There are stories of coincidence and chance, of intersections and strange things told, and which is which and who only knows? And we generally say, "Well, if that was in a movie, I wouldn't believe it." - Magnolia


Remaking a childhood classic: "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"

This really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone because every movie is getting remade these days. Especially because this movie could use a remake. Even though I have very fond childhood memories attached to the old Disney film with Kirk Douglas, it'd be pretty awesome to see something new.

According to the people over at cinematical, Disney is out for a new director for their beloved remake. Although McG, the director of Terminator Salvation (meh), was originally picked to head the project, Disney seemed to not appreciate the direction he was heading with it. Especially because there was a rumor that he wanted Will Smith to play Captain Nemo. Now why in the world would he want to do that? The old movie already messed that up enough by not having an Indian actor play him since the real Nemo of the book was an Indian scientist of sorts.

Oh well, apparently Disney is now trying to get none other than Fight Club/Seven/Benjamin Button director David Fincher to take the reins. Now that's a change and a half. Couldn't a Fincher take on this story end up being too dark for a Disney flick? Of course he'd have to get Brad Pitt to play Ned Land (Douglas' character). But what about Nemo? Sayid Jarrah of course!


Anyways, I'd totally be down with Fincher remaking this. If only Disney didn't have a handle on it to make him turn it into a Bruckheimer-esque Pirates of the National Prince of Persia Mummy Treasure. I'd go for a dark, disturbing under-sea adventure. But only if Sayid's there. And by the way, remember this from the old one?


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