There are stories of coincidence and chance, of intersections and strange things told, and which is which and who only knows? And we generally say, "Well, if that was in a movie, I wouldn't believe it." - Magnolia


The Week's Trailers


Old Clint's at it again, making as many movies as he can before know,.....dies. And apparently his new favorite person is Matt Damon who starred in last year's "Invictus". But now he's a psychic who communicates with dead people? I wasn't aware that that was what a normal psychic does. I thought they just counseled people. Nevermind that, Matt Damon's a SUPER psychic because he's Matt Damon and because he's afraid his other movie "The Adjustment Bureau" looks too dumb and unbelievable to do well. I have to give it to this trailer though, it's a well done trailer. Good job trailer! You got me semi-interested because there's a tsunami and there's so many characters and dead people my brain feels like it's going to explode with visuals! Clint often rides the fine line of being too melodramatic, and this could definitely breach that oh so important line when Damon says "it's not a gift it's a curse!". But, I also really enjoyed "Unforgiven" and "Mystic River" and the Iwo Jima series, so Clint can definitely deliver. But can this seemingly overly complicated plot and simple/cheesy theme of missing your dead relatives/friends really hold up? I guess we'll see.


This isn't actually the first trailer for Paul Bettany's next affiliation with a movie with religious themes (it's his new thing, see "Legion", "The Davinci Code", etc), I just declined to feature that trailer since it was generally terrible. Now this one, this one makes me every so slightly interested and excited. I know everyone is sick of vampire movies and thinks "Let Me In" looks dumb because of that (even though I believe it will be good). But this trailer makes the setting for "Priest" look pretty awesome. It's like the darker, gothic version of the city from "Blade Runner" and it's run by and protected by an order of 'priests' who it seems drove these vicious vampires back and now hide behind their city walls. But when Paul Bettany's nice's family is attacked and she disappears, he knows what's up. Yes, it definitely could be another "Jonah Hex" that looks cool and badass but just fails. I can't help but laugh at things like "they've bread a new army" when it sounds exactly like Gandalf talking about Sauruman and his "fighting Uruk-Hai". In all respects it's your typical trailer with typical music, fire, explosions, slow motion, and all that jazz. But Karl Urban ("Star Trek", "The Lord of the Rings") looks cool even though I don't know why him and Paul Bettany are fighting on a train....Anyway, it could be fun?

"Monsters" trailer #2

Couldn't find an embedded video link so this will have to do for now. By now I'm sure most of you have seen the first trailer for "Monsters", about a NASA spaceship of sorts that crashes in South America after a mission with alien life forms on board. These things grow fast and the area is evacuated and quarantined. But then this lady convinces a reporter to get her across the quarantined zone and to America, and of course there's lots of excitement here. I'm a huge fan of good monster movies. Not the really gory stupid Stephen King type ones, but the intense, mysterious, sci-fi'ish ones.And this looks like it'll have some great giant monsters judging from the new footage of brief glimpses of some towering creature with long, tentacle like legs. I'm still excited about this one and have already talked about it a lot, and this trailer is even more exciting.

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