There are stories of coincidence and chance, of intersections and strange things told, and which is which and who only knows? And we generally say, "Well, if that was in a movie, I wouldn't believe it." - Magnolia


Week's Trailers

"Due Date" trailer #2

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thought of "The Big Lebowski" when he had his dad's ashes at the Grand Canyon. And it also seems everyone is comparing this to "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles", which doesn't seem far off. But then again, it didn't have Zach Galifianakis and Robert Downey, Jr. And from this new trailer (which you can also see in glorious apple-nerd version over at apple trailers) from the director of "The Hangover" we see Danny McBride ("Pineapple Express") and Michelle Monaghan ("Gone Baby Gone") also have parts. I think this trailer looks even funnier than the first one. I think you'd have to be a pretty hard-hearted person to not laugh at all of Zach's facial expressions. I also really hope his dog's name is Funions (#betweentwofernsreferences). Hopefully we get a comedy that is just as good as or even better than "The Hangover", and I have a strong feeling that we will. There's really not a better staging for a comedy than a road trip, in my opinion. This one is coming November 9th.

hit the jump for more excitement!

"The Fighter"

First of all, I have no idea what is wrong with film titles these days. "The Fighter"? "The Town"? You try to think of reasons why they might have gone with this extremely boring, obvious, no-fun title....and there are none. But, as with "The Town" (which I'm seeing later today so watch for the review), I think this will actually be really good (trailer courtesy of Yahoo! and also for apple nerds). I know Mark Walhberg has been openly terrible when it comes to movies these days (see: "The Other Guys" and "The Happening" , but don't), but I still have a little hope left he can break out and go back to what he was in "The Departed" or "I Heart Huckabees". Speaking of which, director David O. Russell of "Huckabees" and "Three Kings" (all starring Walhberg) is directing here as well. This gives me great hope. On top of that we have another famous Christian Bale body transformation into a sleazy looking drug addict of sorts. And with Amy Adams in the mix, I have much hope for the acting. Still, it's another sports drama. And a boxing one at that which we have SO many of. At least it's not football. But with the talent involved in this one, I think we can hope for and expect an above average boxing drama.

"The Tourist"

This is certainly the week for trailers for movies with very short titles. This is one (also courtesy of Yahoo! and not for apple nerds) I've been waiting for for quite some time now. But HOLY MOLY does it look familiar! Can you say "KNIGHT AND DAY"? AND THE ROLES ARE REVERSED. They even have a Muse song in the trailer like "Knight and Day" did! The woman is the cool one this time. "she's using him as a distraction!" says Paul Bettany (who curiously enough, is not playing a person with religious affiliations this time). And Johnny Depp is all befuddled and panicked just like Cameron Diaz. Except it's Johnny Depp. Not the annoying Diaz. And Angelina Jolie who can actually be pretty cool. So while it may look like a complete rip-off, it's not. "The Tourist" has been in the works for a while (long before "Knight and Day"), and believe it or not, Tom Cruise was actually up who was then replaced by Sam Worthington who was then replaced by Depp. Even director Florian Henckel Von Donnersmarck dropped out once over "creative differences", but got back on in the end. Donnersmarck, apart from having the coolest name EVER, debued in 2006 with the amazing "The Lives of Others" which went on to win the Oscar for best foreign film. So this is his first attempt at a mainstream, American, star-studded blockbuster. Now we can only hope that it will be an awesome entrance into Hollywood and the spy thriller to see coming this December.

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