There are stories of coincidence and chance, of intersections and strange things told, and which is which and who only knows? And we generally say, "Well, if that was in a movie, I wouldn't believe it." - Magnolia


Review: Predators

A while ago (spring break to be exact), I decided to watch all of the Predator and Alien movies. I'd seen the first two Aliens and liked them, but I should've stopped there. The 3rd and 4th are embarrassing. And then I watched the Predators, and I'm sorry to admit I hadn't seen the original till then. After getting through the whole series (yes, even the silly AVP's), I was naturally more excited for Nimrod Antal's Robert Rodriguez produced reboot of the series, "Predators". This time, the humans go up against the expert hunter/killer alien race in the beasts' own habitat and on some unknown planet.

The only thing any of the crew (which include the likes of Adrien Brody, Danny Trejo, Topher Grace, etc) remember is falling from the sky into the jungle. But they soon find out something's not right and mysterious beings are hunting them. Of course, it's pretty obvious to the audience who/what these things are. And, unfortunately, that takes away from the movie as a whole.

But don't get me wrong, this is a top of the line action/thriller.
It does the original justice and more with better special effects and even more gore. So, any Predator fans out there won't be disappointed and any who are newer to the franchise (like me) will still have a great time. However, I just wish we didn't know so much going in. That's what made the first one fun and new. Back then the audience had no freaking idea what was hunting these poor group of special ops and were almost as freaked out as they were. But now, everyone knows what a Predator is. Even the two elderly women who I saw at the show tonight obviously knew what a Predator is (although I doubt the little kids accompanying some other parents knew and are probably now terrified and can't sleep. stupid parents).

This movie would've been SO much better if we didn't know Predators. So instead of just waiting for that familiar clicking noise they make and a flash of infrared vision to let us know the brutes are near by, the audience would be way more apprehensive. Added to this is the fact that much of the action and violence is similar to the first two since there's only a few ways Predators can kill people i.e. ripping out the spine, stabbing with sword-thing, shooting with laser-thing. It's not really that new for someone who's seen all the movies.

But the characters and situation is. Even though the plot isn't complicated (and somewhat predictable), it's still intense and you manage to get somewhat attached to a few of the people (I liked the Asian dude with the tattoos and samurai sword, obviously), and it moves pretty fast and hardly ever lets up on the action. Plus, Laurence Fishburne's character is pretty entertaining and a good move on the part of the writers to add some comedy relief in there.

On the whole, it's another lets-blow-up-the-jungle-and-hope-something-dies Predator movie, but with higher stakes and an adrenalin fueled, fun time at the movies. This is the signal that the season of Summer blockbuster, popcorn flicks has officially started. At least, I hope so. I don't want to speak too soon. But if you're looking to see a movie before Inception comes out (going at midnight!) and even after you see it, go see Predators and bring some friends. There's no doubt you'll have fun.

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