There are stories of coincidence and chance, of intersections and strange things told, and which is which and who only knows? And we generally say, "Well, if that was in a movie, I wouldn't believe it." - Magnolia


What I'm Watching: Olympus Has Fallen

Millennium Films/FilmDistrict
Why I watched it: because I was in the mood for an action movie. There's not really any other excuse or explanation. Sure, Gerard Butler is pretty cool in some things (Gamer specifically although it definitely has its problems, but is still an interesting, entertaining movie) and Aaron Eckhart is a generally like-able guy, but this movie got bad reviews when it came out and I knew it would have nothing new to offer. BUT sometimes you just need some pointless action in your life, right?

What I thought: surprise surprise, it was exactly as I expected. Stereotypical bad guys with stereotypical goals facing the stereotypical bad-ass hero who's going to save the stereotypical day. If I really wanted to and had no problem with wasting the time to do so, I could go through and describe all of the ridiculous things and ideas about things that go on here. But since I think of myself as better than that and wish to spend more time today reading a good, thoughtful, skillfully conceived novel, I shall not bore you with the details. Suffice it to say, Olympus Has Fallen consistently made me laugh.

Should you watch it: Judging by what I said in the previous section, this section is definitely redundant, but I'll use it say that the graphics in this are so cheesy! Seriously, when anyone gets shot or there are planes or helicopters or anything else around the White House where it could never be in real life, it looks incredibly digitized. Most of its $70 million dollar budget (numbers like that for films like this still make my eyes want to fall out) obviously went to other pointless things like having Morgan Freeman in there for no reason. So, when (and I say "when" because it really is only a matter of time with this one) Olympus Has Fallen comes on to Neflix instant-watch and you have nothing better to do like mow the lawn, dig a hole, or change the oil in your car, go ahead and watch it. But in god's name, don't spend money on it!

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