There are stories of coincidence and chance, of intersections and strange things told, and which is which and who only knows? And we generally say, "Well, if that was in a movie, I wouldn't believe it." - Magnolia


Week's Trailers: Bieber fever of the Rite, Daft Punk, and Sanctum

Justin Bieber: Never Say Never

Good let me get this straight: this16 year old (SIXTEEN!), who's only been famous for like a year, and who is generally excepted by most as sort of a joke (this is could just be me being ignorant of Bieber fans, but me no care) is now being made into a documentary in 3D? How long is this movie going to be, like 10 minutes? What is there to say about him? I mean, a movie about John Lennon or Johnny Cash makes sense because they're REALLY good and SUPER famous. The title alone makes it seem like his story is the classic American (even though he's CANADIAN) story of success, from poverty to riches and a fame. When in reality, Bieber is just like MILLIONS of other kids out there who has been singing ever since he was little and dreaming of being a rockstar. He was discovered singing at his church and suddenly became famous. To me this isn't anything THAT amazing, he's just a product of the industry. No offense to his success or him as a person, all the best to him and his career (even if I hate his music), but seriously guys? For realz?

Oh PLEASE. Did Hollywood learn anything from The Last Exorcism? People are SICK of movies about demons and exorcisms. At least, I know I am. I did really enjoy The Exorcism of Emily Rose, but even that pushed the limits. How many movies (Paranormal Activity included) are going to keep trying to scare people with the idea of demons? Either you believe in them, or you don't. And for those of us who do (myself included), movies like these are a joke and it's not something to be messed around with. And when you try to portray something like this on film (no matter how "true" it supposedly is) you're going to walk away maybe a bit startled, but ultimately, it's just a movie. But seriousness aside, boy has Anthony Hopkins given up on making good movies! The man's a fantastic actor and is following in the footsteps of so many older actors these days by settling for drabble like this (yes, I just made up the word 'drabble'). This looks to me like all the same old scares and thrills and it makes me yawwwwwwn.

Tron Legacy: featuring "Derezzed" by Daft Punk

Now THIS looks FILTY. With this soundtrack by Daft Punk, I believe Tron Legacy is going to be the next new fad for hipsters. We also get a awesome look at the 'games' in this trailer and the sweet special effects. I'm totally psyched up for this one.

So this may look like a pretty cool movie/setting for the James Cameron 3D treatment, but am I just the only one who gets mildly freaked out by movies with lots of claustrophobic situations, especially under water? Definitely a claustrophobic person's worst nightmare. Also, these man vs. nature stories always end up being a bit boring for me. Sure, they may be really intense, hectic, and have some cool imagery, but in the end, it's not as threatening or interesting as man vs. man. At least, that's what it's like for me. The same goes for the movie Unstoppable coming out in November. It's man vs. machinery specifically a train. Not a whole lot of interesting tension there for me. Unless of course the train is plot set in motion by terrorists or something, but just alone as a lifeless piece of machinery, it doesn't really seem all that thrilling.

With the words "based on a true story" I usually roll my eyes and utter something along the lines of "here we go again." It's all movies are these days it seems with nothing much new to offer and the "true" stories end up being hardly true at all. But this seems a bit different. I can guess we can expect the same general outline for a true story like this that takes the "underdog" trying to achieve route, but it still looks better than most. Plus, Sally Hawkins is a fabulous actress. She was fantastic in Happy Go Lucky and it was a surprisingly great movie as well with many different facets to it. I can see her definitely garnering some attention for any actress nominations since I think she's do to have her fair share of attention, even more than she received for "Go-Lucky". I guess we'll just have to see about this one and whether or not the "true story" factor plays a bigger role than the "good movie" factor.

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