There are stories of coincidence and chance, of intersections and strange things told, and which is which and who only knows? And we generally say, "Well, if that was in a movie, I wouldn't believe it." - Magnolia


Week's Trailers: Emotional Drama to Aliens, Killers, and Mystery!


So I know Liam Neeson is now a badass since his role in Taken and other movies to date as well as a freaking LION in Narnia, but this? I mean there's code, fake-wives, coma, explosions, car-accidents, GUNS! It's really too much. Not too mention Betty Draper aka January Jones is in it (without Don!). This is all sorts of crazy. How do they expect to fit this into a movie? This trailer is just a string of mysteries and poor Liam looks so overwhelmed, but, thankfully he hasn't forgotten. OR HAS HE??? I will be very impressed if they manage to make sense of this plot that looks more like someone brainstorming on a white board than a real story.

I have no familiarity with the Wes Craven's Scream franchise. I also have no interest in it at all. So with that history, I have no idea what's going on in this trailer. Are all the people in this group killing people? Is it some sort of sadistic study? Why does a lady fall onto a car? You know, obvious stuff like that. This trailer is obviously meant for current fans of the series since a noob like me cannot make heads or tails of it. Plus, Craven is just silly. 

Man, so earlier this year poor Adrien Brody got dropped on an alien planet and hunted by Predators and now he's stuck in a car with broken bones, blood everywhere, a dead guy, and memories of being in even more pain? When is this guy gonna get a break! But seriously, I'm kind of interested in this. It looks like it'll be another one of those roles where an actor is challenged by having no other actors to play off of and left to entertain us all on his own. Plus, I believe having one's leg trapped in a car like this is a fear shared by EVERY driver out there. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if this looks any better, but for now I'm fairly interested/excited.

Pull out your kleenex box LADIES (maybe guys too), because this one is going to water your eyes till their dry. An early review of this one over at Cinematical calls it "flawless" and almost "perfect". It's hard to believe seeing as the whole sad-couple thing is done ALL THE TIME. But Nicole Kidman is a great actress and Aaron Eckhart has also shown his great abilities in recent years. I am glad this isn't the 'troubled marriage' sad-couple, although it could get to that point by the looks of the trailer. The problem being the death of their young child is a better plot device and definitely way more heartbreaking. I'll definitely be awaiting this one with much excitement.

The main thing I can say about this trailer is that Ryan Gosling's other upcoming film, Blue Valentine, looks WAY better. No matter what, Kirsten Dunst will always slightly annoy me. This trailer also falls into the category of "what the F is going on?". It starts out giving you the basics and then explodes into MYSTERY! It's the ol' "he's not who you think he is" trick played on so many unsuspecting cinematic wives. And really it's no surprise Dunst fell for it, she's never really played the brightest characters.

Haha. If I had a dollar for every trailer that starts out with the young people having fun and partying but then getting killed/lost/stalked by killers/etc, I'd be a GAZILLIONER! And what's with the title? It sounds like the title for a Stephen King novel. I definitely would expect a full blown horror/slasher movie from a title like that. But wait, Karl Urban! I'm really glad he's getting more major roles these days since I think he's pretty cool. I just hope he's not the bad guy in this because that would me he's heading down the road of being type-cast as the steely-eyed villain. And no actor wants that...I think.

Biutiful (US trailer)

Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu has done some fantastic, mesmerizing work. Amores Perros, 21 Grams, and Babel were all amazing movies, with 'Grams' being my favorite. His movies are about as gritty and real as you can get while remaining in the R rating zone. They feel so amazingly real and always carry heavy messages and content. 'Biutiful' looks to be no exception. Javier Bardem has already proved he's a great actor and although I think it's unlikely he'll win the Oscar this year since he recently won Supporting Actor, I can imagine he deserves it by the look of his character in this trailer. I really REALLY hope it opens in theaters close to where I am because it's definitely one of my most anticipated of the year.

Wtf? That's about all I have to say. There's too little to go off of now for me to make any judgments, especially because I like all of these actors even though the plot looks a bit too dorky for me. And yes, I just used the word "dorky".

*yawn* I'm too lazy to keep writing about trailers and this one looks so boring and melodramatic that I think it's pretty obvious what I think, even though it is from Gus Van Sant.

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